Monday, November 22, 2010

Am I Tweet-worthy? Social Media and Journalism

Whenever I read an interesting article or seen an attention-grabbing newscast, I share it through my Twitter and my Facebook accounts. Recently, it dawned on me, "Will any of my news stories be tweet-worthy or worthy of sharing on Facebook?"

Nowadays, social media has become a powerful force. It is no surprise that journalism has connected with social media. In an earlier post, I said, "Journalists present an issue, but they do not tell others how to feel about the issue. Journalists serve as an intervening public by carrying a message to the public." So if journalism is the intervening channel that shares the message, then social media provides the means to let audience members express opinions.

Social media has also become an intervening public in some ways. Some of the articles I've read recently were posted by others. I found the byline interesting and clicked.

Social media and journalism are converging. Engaging in more social media has kept me connected, connected to tips and tricks of the trade, connected with other journalists, and connected stories that spark my interest.

Now, going back to my question from the beginning. "Will any of my news stories be tweet-worthy or worthy of sharing on Facebook?" Only time will tell. However, if 21 people "like" my story through their Facebook account, I know that at least 21 people read and enjoyed my story. So maybe social media can also assure me that someone found me tweet-worthy?

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